For maximum performance and life, all impeders should be supported to ensure they are properly positioned and do not drag on the inside of the tube. EHE makes impeder holders to suit all types of tube mills. Interchangeable adapters allow through-flow and return-flow types to be used with the same basic support system.
The three-way adjustable mounting bracket and clamping system provides a simple and reliable means of adjusting impeder position. Holders are available for impeders from 6 mm (1/4 inch) to 150 mm (6 inch) in seven overlapping ranges.
An optional second support prevents long assemblies from drooping under their own weight and accurately maintains the impeder’s vertical position inside the tube.
In addition to EHE’s precision line of impeder support systems, we can also supply a variety of return-flow couplings for temporary or short term use.
Measurement Chart
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